Choose a subscription plan to have full access to all job vacancies and direct application links to all jobs.

  • Employer Diamond membership gives you full access to your job dashboard and enables you to create and publish 1000 jobs for 12 months.
    Employer Silver membership gives you full access to your job dashboard and enables you to create and publish 600 jobs for 6 months
    Employer Silver membership gives you full access to your job dashboard and enables you to create and publish 250 jobs for 60 days
    Job Seeker Diamond offers full access to job vacancies, job listings, and direct application links to all job vacancies for one year.
    Job Seeker Gold offers membership with full access to all job vacancies, and direct application links for six months.
    Job Seeker Silver offers membership with full access to all job vacancies, and direct application links for three months.
    Job Seeker Bronze offers membership with full access to all job vacancies, and direct application links for Two months.
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